Yesterday was the last day of British Summer Time so last night we gained an extra hours sleep when the clocks returned to GMT. Today when I noticed this glorious sunset something felt strange - it was only 16.40 hrs.
We seem to have hundreds of these electricity pylons marching in pairs across the East Anglian countryside and now there is talk of even more being erected!! Although they are a blot on the landscape the joy of having an electric kettle for my early morning cup of tea and being able to switch on the computer at all times probably outweighs their ugliness.
The Ancient House, Ipswich. This lovely old building dates back to the 15th century and stands in the Buttermarket. It was formerly a bookshop but is now occupied by Lakeland, a kitchenware retailer - one of my favourite shops!!
Come and Ride on our Buses. Ipswich Transport Museum organise this day when you can take a trip down memory lane riding on the buses from yesteryear - and it's free!! It's great to see the buses from years gone by out on the roads again.
A walk under the horse chestnut trees on my way home from town. The leaves have already started falling - there were lots of conkers on the ground too! When the children were small we used to walk past these trees on our way home from school. Great fun seeing who could find the most conkers!!